Kundli Chakra 2017 Professional
MRP- Rs. 15999/-
For Discount and Booking Call 9210896940
Xp, Vista, Win 7 , 8 & 10 Compatible
List of Contents
Main Features:
- Horoscope
- Match making
- K.P. System
- S.P.S. System
- Jaimini System
- Horary (Prashna) Analysis
- Numerology - Predictions
- Numerology - Compatibility with Partner and Calculations
- Lal Kitab Analysis
- Lal Kitab Varshphal Analysis
- Muhurta Analysis
- Sarvato Bhadra Chakra - ancient indian methodology for predictions using vedha
- Naamkaran - Vedic method
- Naamkaran - Western method
- Transit Study with various worksheets and animated transit
- Transit Graph for financial astrologers
- Transit Wheel (detailed chart wheel with nakshatra & all aspects) also used in western astrology
- Time Correction
- Events Study
- Detailed Predictions (Lagna, Tatwa, Planet/House, Nakshatra, General Predictions-Nature, Financial, Love, Marriage, Health, Food etc)
- Dasha Predictions 120 years with UPAAYS / REMEDIES for each good/bad period of life
- Bio Rhythmic Charts, including I-Ching Rhythms
- Varsphal for 120 Years with predictions (Annual Chart Predictions)
- Ratna (Gem Stone) Suggestions & Mantra Remedies with details
- Yantra - for all planets with printing facility
- Sade Sati detailed with Remedies
- Manglik Dosha
- Kaalsarpa Yoga
- Utilities -Sunrise/ Sunset, Rahukaal, Panchang, Hora, Chaughadiya, ephemeries, detailed position of particular planet...etc Using utilities, you can also generate professional book style panchang, rahukaal, sunrise/sunset and ephemeries reports too.
- Specially designed Colour / Black & White Printout
- Page Designer & Model Printing Facility
- Easy Printing of reports in A4, Book Size, Double Side Printing.
- More than 1000 pages of reports.
- Export reports to PDF/JPEG/BMP and email them to clients
- This new release comes with a new and better interface, more accuracy, more reports & options to quickly analyze the charts and generate reports...
- Better Home screen Interface for quick access, with Birthdata on left panel, provides more visibility and ease of use. Home screen now also has Lagna and Navamsa chart for quick study and all other subjecs are quickly accessible from the same single screen. Quick settings like Language, chart etc on home screen.
- Save Notes, Events related to birthdata directly on new home screen. Also comes with better Import facility for birth data records and Quick Load feature.
Prashna Charts (Horary): Horary or Prashna Kundli is well known method for predicting horoscopes and questions. Prashna charts and worksheets can be prepared based on: Horary (KP) number, Real timing and customised settings for Lagna and KP system, SPS system..etc. You can also define your own Lagna and continue.
Transit: Specially designed transit worksheets. Also features Transit Graph useful for financial astrology and Detailed Transit Wheel with aspects, nakshtra, rashi, charan. On transit wheel (as shown in image) you can also select aspects to show with colour option and detailed study of Birth & Transit planets on Chart Wheel, with zooming facility to watch each planet and its aspects clearly. This is a specially designed Chart wheel, made after special analysation, for astrologers to quickly study planetary movements and aspects to make accurate predictions. Also the Zoom feature helps to clearly see each and every minute detail of aspects and planetary moves
Transit Graph:
Explore Numerology: Now the numerologists can explore major calculations of numerology with this utility, includes finding compatibility with partner as per date, compatibility as per name, compatibility with phone number, house number, vehicle no. etc. Also supports Chaldean and Pythagorean methods for calculations.
Bio Rhythmic Charts: Detailed bio rhythmic charts with easy interface. Includes Primary Rhythms, Secondary Rhythms, I-Ching Rhythms
Manglik Dosha, Yantra - Mantra - Ratna(Lucky stones) suggestions, Sade Sati periods, Sade Sati explained, Sade Sati Remedies, Kaalsarpa Yoga, Tatwa based / General Characteristics(Nature, Financial, Health..etc), Nakshatra Phal, Graha Phal/Bhavfal, Numerology, Dasha Phal etc..
Special Features, Reports & Tools for Professional usage:-- Worksheet: Specially designed worksheets for Astrologers with facility to change/rotate charts with significators study. This is one of the most desired feature an astrologer requires which makes analysing charts, quick and easy with full focus on each subject.
- Printing of Worksheet : You can print the worksheet in display for studying on landscape layout of page.
- Muhurta analysis: Astrologers can define their own muhurta. Find auspicious timing for any date and can further minutely analyse each so found muhurta for accurate and best selection of Muhurta.
- Event Study: Easily add events like date of marriage, child birth, date of death in family, accident, fathers date of birth etc. Then further events worksheet will help you easily study charts for various life events with birth chart. This is also helpful in birth time rectification.
- Time Rectification: Edit date time on any worksheet, or print report quickly with intervals of hours, minute, second, days etc to rectify time and study various planetary movements on any page.
- Multiple Horoscope / Kundli : This special feature allows you to open multiple Horoscope charts in same program. You can also compare multiple charts quickly using this feature or can comparitively study both by aligning their windows cascade or vertical.
- Interactive Chart Study: The Birth Chart is specially designed to give you information about the planet on chart itself. Also there is no need to click any planet. Just take your mouse to the desired planet on chart, and you will get its information like Drishti, Nakshatra lord, sublord, nakshatra etc. Nakshatra and degrees are also aligned along with planets. This helps you to quickly analyse chart, as shown in image below... It is also useful for beginners to study charts quickly. Also as always in Kundli Chakra, it features special chart rotation feature, i.e. when you click on any rashi... to make it lagna, thus can study various houses and subjects easily.
- Quick Dasha Navigation : special dasha study tool to quickly access any period of dasha, any date or any antar, pratyantar, sooksham period directly with just one click, saving lot of time and quickly analysing clients charts. Also it features interactive display of dasha planets with full details and signification for ease of astrologers.
- Tools: Study charts, Dashas, anywhere, anytime, on any page/worksheet, at any position on the screen for quick references & analyses, saving time and concentrating more on charts.
Tools are a special feature invented and designed in Kundli Chakra software specially for astrologers and to study charts at any place in the program. Lets say, while studying Ashtakvarga worksheet, you want to see lagna chart or dasha? or while seeing printing reports or predictions, you want to see other charts too.. you can just open it there at same place from tools.

- Conversion Facility - Ghati - Pal - Vipal to Hours - Minutes - Seconds and vice-versa.
- Backup - save the Birth Data for re-insallation & Import facility to import birthdata from others.
- Printing Double Side Page: You can easily print on both sides of pages with print options like even pages, odd pages, reverse printing. Also it allows you to print particular pages in range like 4-10, 15-20...
- Printing Book Style pages: You can print any page or Model in Book size easily this software. Model printing allows you to print pages of your choice in book style either single page or dual page per sheet. You can also easily print double sided book style report without any special technical knowledge, i.e. 4 pages of report on one single Sheet.
- Model Printing: It allows you to select particular pages as required and create group of pages known as models. Thus you can make your own printing models for printing reports. More, there is no need to follow the sequence that comes up in astrology softwares as the sequence of pages to print can also be changed using model printing facility, i.e. you can decide whether to print planet position or birth details first then which page to come next...etc.
- Header and Footer settings: add your company name and contact on footer of pages. This program also allows printing of reports without header and footer. You can even remove page numbers in printing.
- Page Designer: Make your own page with Page designer. This ends to your dependency on other astrology softwares for printing reports as you can easily make your own printing page style. There is no requirement of any special or technical computer knowledge to design page. Page designer allows anyone to easily make your own page. Just Insert-Drag & drop any chart in page designer and further resize charts to the size you require for printing on the page. As you can see below, we have combined various charts lagna chart, bhav spasht, shadbala graph, prastar char, ashtakvarga.. Similarly, you can make your own combination of charts and make your own page for professional usage.
- Multiple page size for reports: A3 and other page size can easily be made using Page designer. This feature allows you to define your own page size and design the page according to your requirement.
- Export - Save and export reports to PDF, JPEG or BMP formats and email them to relatives / clients.
- Import other charts and easly switch to Kundli Chakra : Users of old versions or other softwares developed by Horizon aarc, no need to worry about your already existing data or saved kundli. Import feature is specially designed to allow you import existing saved birth data so you no need to type all that again. We also provide support for importing many formats birth data saved using different softwares and convert it to use in Kundli Chakra easily.
- Composite Matching: Match 1000’s of girl/boy data on same page. No need to keep scrolling pages. Directly change desired data quickly on same page.
- Direct Storage of Birthdata in Groups and folders on computer. Freely store the birth data at any media or drive. This means that you can even store the clients birth data to usb device (Pen Drive) or anywhere on hard disk and can further easily open/access it directly in the program. This also allows you to store your private or personal data at some different location/media for future use.
- Specially Designed Multiple Chart combinations in worksheet. Some of them are:
SPS worksheet, with detailed significators, very useful in predicting horoscope.
Divisional Charts, all at one place, further you can also change the charts in worksheet or can call dasha or other charts to study too, with it.
Panchang worksheet with Geogrophical details, panchang, avakada chakra, hora, chaughadiya, rahukaal etc. all at one place.
A Special Calendar worksheet showing Nakshatra, Tithi, Yog with Vimshottari Dasha generated on Calendar for quick and easy view.
Jaimini System: Arudha Chart, Aspects, Argala Vichar, Planetary Argalas, Char Karakas, Karkamsa, Char/Gemini Dasha etc.
Varshphal Charts, Positions & Predictions for 120 years
KP pages : planet positon, houses position, Bhava karaka, Graha Significators, Ruling planets etc
Lal Kitab Charts/reports
Lal Kitab based Varsphal charts/reports
Numerology with predictions (Character, Finance, Vocation, Health, Marriage & Friends, Husband, Wife, Fotunate Days, Lucky Colours/ Jewels/ Stones, Important Years, Drawbacks etc.
S.P.S. System: SPS System worksheets provides special charts, planet significators and dasha system etc to quickly predict horoscope.
- Sarvato Bhadra Chakra: Interactive sarvato bhadra chakra with natal and transit position to quickly study all vedha combinations and predict quickly the stock movements and other financial studies. Clicking on the nakshatra gives full details of vedha formed, also each planets details given on the same chart. All study at one place. You can also move the planets of Birth Chart or Transit Chart in Sarvato Bhadra Chakra easily as per your requirement or can even refresh the transit automatically with real time.
- Inbuilt database of many celebrities, actors, politicians for study.
- 2.5 Lakh World cities Lattitude and Longitude Atlas. It also allows you to manually add new or delete/edit places, states...
- Chartstyle: North / South / Bangla (East Indian)
- War Time Correction database
- RAHU /KETU settings
- Ayanamsa - N.C. Lahiri, B.V. Raman, K.P., Manu, Sayan, SPS ayanamsa
- Language : English and Hindi
- License type: 2 user (Dual license)
- Technical Support : 1 Year
- Updates: for Lifetime Usage
- Birthdata : Unlimited usage

Transit: Specially designed transit worksheets. Also features Transit Graph useful for financial astrology and Detailed Transit Wheel with aspects, nakshtra, rashi, charan. On transit wheel (as shown in image) you can also select aspects to show with colour option and detailed study of Birth & Transit planets on Chart Wheel, with zooming facility to watch each planet and its aspects clearly. This is a specially designed Chart wheel, made after special analysation, for astrologers to quickly study planetary movements and aspects to make accurate predictions. Also the Zoom feature helps to clearly see each and every minute detail of aspects and planetary moves

Tools are a special feature invented and designed in Kundli Chakra software specially for astrologers and to study charts at any place in the program. Lets say, while studying Ashtakvarga worksheet, you want to see lagna chart or dasha? or while seeing printing reports or predictions, you want to see other charts too.. you can just open it there at same place from tools.

Varshphal Charts, Positions & Predictions for 120 years
KP pages : planet positon, houses position, Bhava karaka, Graha Significators, Ruling planets etc
Lal Kitab Charts/reports
Lal Kitab based Varsphal charts/reports
Numerology with predictions (Character, Finance, Vocation, Health, Marriage & Friends, Husband, Wife, Fotunate Days, Lucky Colours/ Jewels/ Stones, Important Years, Drawbacks etc.
S.P.S. System: SPS System worksheets provides special charts, planet significators and dasha system etc to quickly predict horoscope.
- Sarvato Bhadra Chakra: Interactive sarvato bhadra chakra with natal and transit position to quickly study all vedha combinations and predict quickly the stock movements and other financial studies. Clicking on the nakshatra gives full details of vedha formed, also each planets details given on the same chart. All study at one place. You can also move the planets of Birth Chart or Transit Chart in Sarvato Bhadra Chakra easily as per your requirement or can even refresh the transit automatically with real time.

- Inbuilt database of many celebrities, actors, politicians for study.
- War Time Correction database